My Siblings

I have three siblings. Their names are Lindsey Berry, Derralyn Martin, and James Short. I never call them by these names, I call them Berry, Dez and Jamie. They rock my world. You see, I have many friends - and they are all near and dear to me (I don't believe in superficial friendships), but I also have siblings and the relationship we share goes a little deeper. This type of relationship is characterised by bickering, burps, knowledge of how 3 ladies take their hot chocolate/tea/coffee, knowledge of annoying character traits, knowledge of how to use the previous knowledge to further irritate said other siblings, etc... This post about my siblings is long overdue. Dez probably hates this picture. But I think it's cute. Maybe I should state that it was taken at about 5:30 in the morning.

This is my Berry. You are my inside-out-heart sister, meaning that you know my heart inside out, upside down and all-around. When there are some who think that I am more of a laugh than anything else you know better: you know that I am capable of depth. You know who I am, know what I am capable of and what my potential is - mostly better than myself. Berry, you are my pillar of strength - my first port of call when the storm hits. In the words of a picture you are an exquisite and delicately bejewelled strand of string. This string has no end, it endures all things, and it has many branches of slender stringlets which show immense growth. My beloved fruit you show me how to live out dignity and you are the person who knows the processes that have to take place in my heart. Such as those that have to take place in order for me to get to the point where I can say sorry for something. I know you know that whenever this process has to take place, and I have to apologise, it is amusing to bear in mind that it's my fault in the first place. Berry, this post should be better and you deserve so much more!!

This is my Dez. Dezbean, Dezling, Derriere La Pouf... Many names for the lady that entered my life in Eden Grove when we were registering our subjects in first year. You needed someone to vent at, and I wasn't opposed to listening. We discovered that we were meant to be. From that point on you lived in my room and shared my food. Of course as time moved on we became less attached at the hip, but closer in heart. You are one of the only people I know that understands my sense of humour fully and completely - I don't have to say anything, just a look in the eyes or a wave of the hand and you know! Dead puppies will not mean the same thing to others as it does to you and I. Neither will skinned kittens or popped goldfish. You have understood my heart and mind from the beginning and as the most outspoken person in my trip, I know you always will. My Dez you are the wind to me. Strong, supple, fresh and new. You sweep people away in your happiness, you blow away sickness and dust away depression. Sometimes you're strong and victorious by nature, sometimes you're soft and gentle, and sometimes you're funky - lifting hats off and ruffling hair. I love this about you. You too deserve better than my words can express!! I'm not to sure that you will like this picture either. Well all I can say is that you flipping well want to talk/
move/pull a face everytime I click!
This is Jamie. You are my only non-biological brother. I'm sure that I have other brothers in the church, but I think that you are the only one that has taken the time and effort to try and work your way into my heart. You have earned your place there and it is well-deserved. Time, effort and many many slabs of chocolate... Jamie, upon hearing that we (Berry, Dez and myself) were sick, you immediately visited each of us so you could give each of us a grapefruit ("for the health") and a slab of our favourite chocolate (we each have different favourites, and it was "for the heart"). This is not the first instance of a time when you have spoiled us but it is the most recent. I love you for all the strength that you show me, for the kind words that have sometimes been sorely needed... And for hundreds of hours we have all spent languishing in chocolate euphoria in your room - mostly til the wee hours of the morn! I regret nothing in our friendship, I love you and you will always be my brother. Jamie Jearey (my actual biological brother) I love you lots as well and you have not been replaced, although you and Jamie Short are extremely similar in that you both know exactly where my irritable buttons are... Jamie, you will always be in my life and I am grateful to Dad for knowing that I needed to learn to love men and that you would be irresistible. Jamie, you are freshness in each day, the spice and spark in life. You are the sunlight that caresses the early morning and gorgeous contrasts between the rich greens and intense greys on a stormy day. Never let the words of others cause you to take away anything negative from you experiences, least of all from our friendship.

This is my Berry. You are my inside-out-heart sister, meaning that you know my heart inside out, upside down and all-around. When there are some who think that I am more of a laugh than anything else you know better: you know that I am capable of depth. You know who I am, know what I am capable of and what my potential is - mostly better than myself. Berry, you are my pillar of strength - my first port of call when the storm hits. In the words of a picture you are an exquisite and delicately bejewelled strand of string. This string has no end, it endures all things, and it has many branches of slender stringlets which show immense growth. My beloved fruit you show me how to live out dignity and you are the person who knows the processes that have to take place in my heart. Such as those that have to take place in order for me to get to the point where I can say sorry for something. I know you know that whenever this process has to take place, and I have to apologise, it is amusing to bear in mind that it's my fault in the first place. Berry, this post should be better and you deserve so much more!!

This is my Dez. Dezbean, Dezling, Derriere La Pouf... Many names for the lady that entered my life in Eden Grove when we were registering our subjects in first year. You needed someone to vent at, and I wasn't opposed to listening. We discovered that we were meant to be. From that point on you lived in my room and shared my food. Of course as time moved on we became less attached at the hip, but closer in heart. You are one of the only people I know that understands my sense of humour fully and completely - I don't have to say anything, just a look in the eyes or a wave of the hand and you know! Dead puppies will not mean the same thing to others as it does to you and I. Neither will skinned kittens or popped goldfish. You have understood my heart and mind from the beginning and as the most outspoken person in my trip, I know you always will. My Dez you are the wind to me. Strong, supple, fresh and new. You sweep people away in your happiness, you blow away sickness and dust away depression. Sometimes you're strong and victorious by nature, sometimes you're soft and gentle, and sometimes you're funky - lifting hats off and ruffling hair. I love this about you. You too deserve better than my words can express!! I'm not to sure that you will like this picture either. Well all I can say is that you flipping well want to talk/

This is Jamie. You are my only non-biological brother. I'm sure that I have other brothers in the church, but I think that you are the only one that has taken the time and effort to try and work your way into my heart. You have earned your place there and it is well-deserved. Time, effort and many many slabs of chocolate... Jamie, upon hearing that we (Berry, Dez and myself) were sick, you immediately visited each of us so you could give each of us a grapefruit ("for the health") and a slab of our favourite chocolate (we each have different favourites, and it was "for the heart"). This is not the first instance of a time when you have spoiled us but it is the most recent. I love you for all the strength that you show me, for the kind words that have sometimes been sorely needed... And for hundreds of hours we have all spent languishing in chocolate euphoria in your room - mostly til the wee hours of the morn! I regret nothing in our friendship, I love you and you will always be my brother. Jamie Jearey (my actual biological brother) I love you lots as well and you have not been replaced, although you and Jamie Short are extremely similar in that you both know exactly where my irritable buttons are... Jamie, you will always be in my life and I am grateful to Dad for knowing that I needed to learn to love men and that you would be irresistible. Jamie, you are freshness in each day, the spice and spark in life. You are the sunlight that caresses the early morning and gorgeous contrasts between the rich greens and intense greys on a stormy day. Never let the words of others cause you to take away anything negative from you experiences, least of all from our friendship.
My beautiful sister... Thank you so much for these words. They do truely mean so much to me. The only reason I am your brother is that I know how to irritate you. I like that. As most people know. Jokes, I shouldn't make light at a time such as this. You are def on of my closest sisters and I too thank Dad for you - and your other siblings - on a frequent basis. Were it not for your taking me under your wing when I first arrived, I would not be where I am now. So thank you.
wow! wow! wow! wow! I have unexpectedly been blown out of my socks by a little mouse click to your blog!!!! Becs... no words can desscribe how special you are to me... thank you for your solid love and for being the light that so often draws me out when my natural tendency is to hide away, thank you for your immeasurable commitment to and delight in our friendship... but as u said... i could probably never do your value justice with words... hopefully it will suffice to say...i love you! :*
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