Shades and Shards

Shades of grey come filtering through - it's a different way of looking at the sunlight breaking through the darkness. Shades of grey as opposed to pieces of light. I think it's similar to the story of the pessimist, the optimist and the fullness of a glass - seeing pieces of sunlight break the darkness or seeing shades of grey lingering. Do these shades enhance the light? I read on a comment that I think Verashni Pillay (great gal) made that the "shadow proves the sunshine" so it can't be all bad. Are they?
Lets say that the pieces of light are shards of originality - this is complicated I know but worth putting down onto 'paper'. These shards of originality are what make you essentially you. The rest of you is composed of imposter-darkness and shades and glass. Imposter-darkness is easy enough to work out, but what of the shades and glass? I was thinking about who I am and all that comes with this, such as: how come Abba's Child happened to me? I know this is an exceptionally egocentric way of thinking of it but who I am is very me-centred. This is honesty and is what I call the glass and shades. Shades of who you actually are come through, colouring the shards of originality (the pieces of light) causing them to become brilliant shades of unique individuality. But what about the glass? I thought of glass because it reflects even the smallest amount of light - no matter the colour. Colour is not a variable when considering light reflection. So pretty much any colour that comes with the shards are reflected off of the glass. Do you see why I chose glass AND shades? They are intricately bound together and where the one is the other exists. So the shards of originality are reflected through the glass and the shades colour it appropriately. Mixed somewhere in this is the imposter-darkness, lingering and shuffling around, attempting to block out the shards. In the end it is only waiting for the inevitable eviction. What a futile existence.
This is what I think makes me me. Even with my uniquely constructed imposter, which (lets face it) only allows others to see the real you. Once they can recognise the imposteristic characteristics they see the warts - they see the insecurities that prompted certain constructions (much like the "warts 'n all" theory). And then, whilst you're in the midst of some major deconstructive work, they see you as you are in all your lit-up originality.
This was complicated and I can only wonder what purpose it served... I feel like it was an epiphany and if I can see people as being made in such a complex and complicated as this then God must as well. That wasn't meant negatively, rather, that God spent time making us this special. It proves how much He loves us - He put so much effort into making us full of originality (even if it is only shards for now) and our own shades that are reflected back into the world. Sort of similar to how the shadow proves the sunshine. So are shades of grey that bad?
I feel I may have been somewhere on this track at some stage. I think I may need a little time to digest though. Great thoughts though.
Ah my lovely becs... I too need some time to digest that, but thanks for your great writing! And I REALLY don't say that to everyone...
wow thanks vash!! that really means alot to me!!!
Was this post confusing? I'm sorry. Haha...
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