Rain and Eyes

I love the rain. Within my soul lies a deep adoration that nestles close to my fond fascination for German people confessing their undying love to each other. There is so much variety when it comes to how you like the pouring of water from the sky. If I could 'order' my rain, more or less like from a Starbucks, I'm not sure where I would start. Don't you ever find yourself overwhelmed by amount of choice you have when you go to an ice-cream shop? Well that's what it's like for me when choosing which type of rain I like the most. I shouldn't play favourites... God doesn't like that so much.
I love rain that falls as gently as the type of kiss you would imagine coming from the Father's lips. It's as soft as butterfly kisses with eyelashes from your dad... But there is also steady rain, beating like a drum. Sometimes it feels as though if the beat of the rain stops then my heart will stop and wouldn't that be tragic? I'm sure that that's why God keeps this type of rain at such a steady pace. Of course drizzle is also fun. I love how drizzle coats everything in fine mist, turning the world into the playground of the fairies. When it drizzles I see tiny exquisite ladies pirouetting in the air and all I can do is stop and stare. This is not a good thing to do in the middle of the road, but what can you do? My last favourite type of rain is of the hard as nails variety, usually accompanied by heavy thunder. This rain stops traffic (literally) and forces everyone to acknowledge its presence. I am fairly certain that God uses this type of rain to get our attention, and I must say, it's quite an effective tool. I feel so safe which is paradoxical... It must be because I know who makes it so loud. I find that knowing the source of loud noises is helpful. Less scary this way.
But putting all this aside, one of my main thoughts that capers to mind is the fact that my mood greatly determines which is my favourite rain. At the moment I'm toasty warm and dry in bed and there is a light, soft rain pitter-pattering outside my window. I think that this is why I love soft rain at the moment. This is extremely reminiscent of the 'rose-coloured glasses' theory. My eyes are so prejudiced by my circumstances... It's simply shocking at how my amount of favouritism towards rain types can be influenced by a good cup of tea at the moment. Hehe!
This is so beautiful my becs! :D Yay for rain, i agree completely with all your sentiments... i also like the rain that comes in random big blobs (kind of like drizzle) that you can FROLIC in and feel all pastoral! hehe :)
Becs, I love you and I miss your hugs.
I do enjoy the thoughts, 'tis true.
I am sooooo wide awake right now and ITS RAINING!!!!!!! guys its SO spectacular and for a little while... (hushed whisper) it was thundering.
D I miss huggin u.
becs i love the way you describe something the rain...the rain is deffs something very close to our hearts! have a butterful day friend
Those were some great descriptions :) I'm glad you finally met the man of your dreams... lol. I shouldn't say things like that. Ah, you make me like the rain too now. Tea must happen soon!
Vash u should probly kno that i feel very strongly about that man. in fact i love him. can i have him? he's perfect and our kids would be beautiful. sigh...
You can have him!! And I'll marry someone with your colouring and our kids will look like siblings. It'll be great. We're supposed to be having tea now...? Thanks for all the great blog comments!!
I must admit I love the rain, but not the cold that so often joins in the party here in G'town. But I think my reasons are a littel different. I love it for what it brings to the earth, much as He brings to us with His presence. Soft and soaking is my fav, a warm monkey's wedding. Presence, warmth and light.
I agree with derralynics! Never underestimate the power of tea. Also,Becs the way you write provokes my imagination to do beautiful things. thank you for that.lots of love,Romonz
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