In the Beauty

In the moment... I love being in the moment, but moments fade away and all we're left with is the afterglow. Even then I am happy, because to be in the afterglow is similar to basking in the sunlight, knowing that there are numerous things that require attention, but also that this sunlight deserves the few seconds of lap-time (whereby you 'lap' up the sun). So bask in the memory of the moment. I know that many more moments will happen, and they will be stupendous (note my non-usage of the word 'great'), but can they ever top each other? I don't think they can - they are all so different.
Why am I blogging this? Why do I ever blog anything? My posts are always so weird and don't seem to be connected to anything in particular, but I like to 'write'. I like putting my thoughts down. I've been told that my blog is 'deep' and at times worrying... I was even told that it was surprising that a deep blog came from me. Hehe. That's actually quite funny - because I suppose I understand why no one would think that I have any real depth: I don't appear to be that serious.
I'm blogging this post because it relates to the fact that we often don't see or capture the moments when we're neck-deep in exams. To appreciate the moment fully is one of those things that we do - but need to remember to do. It's not often that we bask in the afterglow of the moment. It's like going to sleep after walking that special friend home - after chatting and laughing so much your side hurts and you giggle as you walk home (much to the consternation of the security guard) - and then lying in bed and thanking God for that friend and re-living the conversation in you head. Taking in the sunlight of the moment that you just shared, because that exact moment cannot be repeated. And that's just fine. Because the next moment will be fantabulous!!
That last thought is SO great - because it also means that an icky moment can never be repeated in the same way - YAY for that!!!
The complete arbness of this post shall now end.
*warm and incredibly fuzzy hug* all i can say is i love u my beautiful beautiful becs... i'm glad for all such things too: like sunlight and the fact that pink juice doesn't turn into pink other-things... hehe :D
God bless for Mod 2moz... i love u and will be thinking of you lots! mwa! :D
The complete arbness is appreciated!
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