What Shape Is Yours? Any other comments?

I'm sitting at the countertop of a spacious and airy kitchen. Below the kitchen is the front lounge which looks out onto the open sea. Of course the time is half six in the evening and so the light bouncing off the waves is golden and makes the froth look like thickened cream, the type that would adorn a delectable pavlova. I was beginning to think that I would never feel like blogging again but my mind sort of drifted on to the random topic of mouthes and when that happens it is more or less impossible for me to not write it down SOMEWHERE.
I was thinking that the mouth is one of the most fascinating parts of the human body. I like the way they look, the shape of them, what they are used for, and how they can represent so much. But this could be because I am a woman. We can dress them up with any shade of red imaginable, whether it be a light mauve, a flashy pink, or a sultry red. However that is a rather basic description because I have left out the fact that there is first the lip liner, and then the careful and intensely precise practice of placing the exactly perfect shade of lippie in between the outline. Next you blot - we wouldn't want any of the glorious substance to get on to our pearlies would we? Lastly there is the act of glossing. You would think that this would be quite simple but as with lipsticks there is a wide variety of choices. Whilst for lippie you choose between colour, matt, and gloss, with lipgloss there is also shimmer (in different shades of shimmer no less!), vitamin E additives, plumping action, etc... The list is endless. But no matter what type of woman we are, at SOME point we are caught by the rows and rows of different lip adornments! None of us will ever escape this and so we may as well embrace it.
In addition to my being a woman, I also love mouthes because for the better part of my teenage life I had to gaze at them in a manner that made me look like I was obsessed with the person that I was talking to. This was because I was partially deaf and so in order to stop myself from asking people to repeat themselves I learnt to read their lips. I was not an expert (I think it was due to inherent laziness) so I have more or less lost this talent, but I did learn and retain a fascination with mouthes.
We can do so much with them! Aside from talk and eat, lick (especially ice cream) and laugh, we can express a multitude of emotions. In books we supposedly 'purse' our lips together, drawing them together thinly so that the blood disappears leaving two firmly pressed, whitened lines. This is anger. Of course we smile for any sort of positive emotion, but the smile changes and they can mean anything, depending on the person. A half smile could be secretive if you're looking at someone you like, or it could amused, or affectionate, or tired.. The trick is to check the eyes and obviously the personality!
Lastly, mouthes come in such different shapes and sizes, which adds to the fascination and the allure. They can be full - either both top and bottom, or just the top or just the bottom. Or they can be thin. This completely influences a person's face! I think that my mouth is kind of rosebuddish - it's not big but it's full, with a pronounced v-shaped dent at the top. What does yours look like?
I reckon that it is weird that I am posting about this and I could write for ages and ages about it but then people wouldn't bother getting to the end. In order to give this post the spirituality that is so often required for people to think it worthwhile: God made mouthes. He made them sexy, He made them chaste, He made them thoughtful, expressive, utilitarian and as a feature of beauty.
So what do you think about your mouth? What shape is it? What is the shape of your boyfriend's/girlfriend's/bestfriend's/trip's? Who likes to dress it up and who likes to draw them? For such a small feature there sure are a lot things to be said..