To Be Back
There have been requests for a new post which is not such a bad thing for the ego to hear. It means people are reading my blog. Yay for things of this nature! This post will be comparatively short for the topic: The Vacation.
I spent two days at home with mother and brother, father not being there at the time, before jetting off to that great metropolis East London. There I spent a week looking after children at Holiday Club - it's a great way of leading children to Jesus as their personal Daddy as well as helping parents retain their sanity during the vacation period. Met some awesome children and some of the girls I taught previously were leaders, it was incredible!! Unfortunately I got a little sick during the week with bronchitis... It was fairly traumatic as in the evenings on two occasions I ceased to breathe. Caused some mild panic but what can you do? The second time it happened there was much rushing to hospital/doctor's house at midnight but at least I got some medication out of the journey.
General consensus was that I return home for the second week of vac and thus I retired gracefully to the countryside for the week. Being of an independent character I was only in Cathcart for a few days before setting off for the festival in the town of G. It wasn't the life-changing experience many claim b
ut I had fun with friends from East London and saw G-town homies, plays and awesome jazz. Travelling back to East London was littered with picturesque wanderings through Peddie's township areas and finding in the midst of poverty this awe-inspiring beauty that transcended (or deceived me into moving beyond the tangible evidence of the state of African hamlets) the stricken nature of the dwellings of Peddie's inhabitants.

The third week was spent in the lap of luxury in East London - I WENT TO THE ZOO!!! I felt like a child again as I wandered through the bushes spying with my little eye what animal was hiding behind which shrub... Do you remember how long it would take to make it through the entire zoo? There was even a midway break at the little cafe (all zoos have a tea cafe) for tea and crumpets and then we were on our merry little way again, going as fast as our little legs could carry us on the Great Investigative Journey. A bit like an adventure for lost treasure. This time after the nostalgia had worn off all I could feel was sadness. Wave after wave hit me as I realised the reality of what their lives were like, caged in and... Oh it was too much. But I grinned and took many pics so the people who had taken me wouldn't feel bad. Isn't that so typical of the human nature??
My last few days were spent with my family - I got to see my dad for the first time in three months. All I did really was sit on a couch with him watching the news in the evening and going to the farm for extended periods of time. I left the house only to go to the farm. That was it. When I was in town I watched movies and slept. Oh, and I ate. All in all it was good times.
And, as they say, was that. Hope you all enjoyed my update - I'll be here all year.