The Weekenders
This could be a long entry. At least it will be diverse as I, Queen of the Tangent, am always one to constantly veer off the topic. I think that should be my motto: "Stay true to every nuance of the story, never leaving a single tidbit out and always explaining irrelevent details that inevitably turn into stories themselves". I like that motto and think that I will stick to it.
But I digress (hehe)... What I really wanted to diarise is my monumentally glorious weekend and all the fantabulous friends that make up my family. First order of business is the matter of the long weekend. As many will know a gaggle of girlies went up to Cathcart to visit my family, eat food, play and work (harhar). I just want to let sensitive viewers know that the photos in this post are quite graphic but entirely necessary for explanatory purposes.

One of the many outlandish things experienced was the art of meditation for the purposes of winning board games. Derralyn and Berry thought it appropriate to demonstrate this so as that those of you "gotta-win" types would know how it worked. Having played with them approximately 2 minutes later and subsequently losing horridly I can assure you that it does in fact work.

Not to worry though, both jubilently modest winners got their comeuppance when we decided to play a different set of games. Our favourite to date is "poke-a-berry" and "tap-a-dez". The sounds produced from both parties were the kind that you wouldn't want small children to hear.
Of course we also ate.... And slept... Although I did hear of certain thieving tendencies from one of the more fruitful females. This is photo is in memory of the lost sleep that rightfully belonged to a someone of the German Jew variety.

Now there is something that I would like to say about aggression. There was a fair amount of aggressiveness on this weekend that may need attention. I would like to make reference to the phrase "smoosh her smoosh her!!!" and "stuff her like a pig!!!". When a brother decides to beat up his sister I think that these words are entirely inappropriate. Instead of female solidarity and a brace of sisters-in-arms coming to help and fight off the rebel force someone (Rulleska Singh) yelled for there to be "smooshing". In response to this another nameless rogue (Derralyn Martin) stood up, pointed at me lying helpless under the weight of said brother and commanded him (rather forcibly) to do the stuffing. He complied. Oh yes, there was much compliance in the form of marshmallows...
So that was the weekend. Oh, there was also some working. Nina was very dedicated to the cause of passing first year. Clearly she knows not of the theory of dropping out and marrying a farmer and having many children (to help run the farm). This theory is fairly pleasing when exams are nigh.
But I digress (hehe)... What I really wanted to diarise is my monumentally glorious weekend and all the fantabulous friends that make up my family. First order of business is the matter of the long weekend. As many will know a gaggle of girlies went up to Cathcart to visit my family, eat food, play and work (harhar). I just want to let sensitive viewers know that the photos in this post are quite graphic but entirely necessary for explanatory purposes.

One of the many outlandish things experienced was the art of meditation for the purposes of winning board games. Derralyn and Berry thought it appropriate to demonstrate this so as that those of you "gotta-win" types would know how it worked. Having played with them approximately 2 minutes later and subsequently losing horridly I can assure you that it does in fact work.

Not to worry though, both jubilently modest winners got their comeuppance when we decided to play a different set of games. Our favourite to date is "poke-a-berry" and "tap-a-dez". The sounds produced from both parties were the kind that you wouldn't want small children to hear.

Of course we also ate.... And slept... Although I did hear of certain thieving tendencies from one of the more fruitful females. This is photo is in memory of the lost sleep that rightfully belonged to a someone of the German Jew variety.

Now there is something that I would like to say about aggression. There was a fair amount of aggressiveness on this weekend that may need attention. I would like to make reference to the phrase "smoosh her smoosh her!!!" and "stuff her like a pig!!!". When a brother decides to beat up his sister I think that these words are entirely inappropriate. Instead of female solidarity and a brace of sisters-in-arms coming to help and fight off the rebel force someone (Rulleska Singh) yelled for there to be "smooshing". In response to this another nameless rogue (Derralyn Martin) stood up, pointed at me lying helpless under the weight of said brother and commanded him (rather forcibly) to do the stuffing. He complied. Oh yes, there was much compliance in the form of marshmallows...
So that was the weekend. Oh, there was also some working. Nina was very dedicated to the cause of passing first year. Clearly she knows not of the theory of dropping out and marrying a farmer and having many children (to help run the farm). This theory is fairly pleasing when exams are nigh.
I must admit that it are kief. I laughed a little, cried a little then well realised I only laughed so sorry about lying. Fank. Cheer
hehe... i approve monumentously of your post my Becs! I feel it does great justice to the events of the weekend, and would like to commend the 'nameless' Schmoosh/Stuff crew for their excellent display of effective teamwork :p Cathcart, as ever, rocked and we, as ever, rocked Cathcart... thanks for everything my friend... MWA! :D
hehehe...sounds like a great w-end- filled with lots of love, laughter and memories! nice pics to prove the fun times as well ;) Hope u have an awesome day precious Becs... c u tonight!
Hilarious my dear becs... I'm sad to have missed out. Will learn my lesson for next time!! I am so sorry to hear about the stuffing--- well sorry I missed it that is. I will have to see a reanactment sometime!
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