A secret me

I was thinking about people and how for most people (if not all) they are the centre of their lives. Almost as if an entire movie is constantly being screened (under the cliched name of "My life and Other Tales") and we are each of us the directors, lighting technician, makeup artists, actors, producers, etc of this movie.
It's fascinating that people have this whole world filled with the splendour of individuality and magic that makes them who they are. It begs the question: what is it that makes up this secret? And more importantly, what is that secret? Is the secret different for every person and is it a monumental secret? Is it the intrinsic knowledge that none but you can interpret this mysterious essence that makes you who you are? And if this is the case then does the secret itself matter? Is the mere fact that we each possess such a secret that adds to the flavour of who we are?
It really does seem that we all have this piece of information about ourselves that only we can understand and cherish because we have grown up with, cried with, laughed with and learnt with ourselves and God (of course). Sometimes it's the knowledge that "I know something delightful that is only meant for me" that makes you smile for no particular reason or holds you and keeps you safe when you're feeling lonely in a crowd of people.
I think the secret is that each person knows who they are BETTER and more concretely than any other person on this planet. There is no one who knows us better than ourselves - no one can compete for that place in our lives. No one else knows exactly how you're feeling at any given moment, no one can experience the exact same feelings of happiness or sadness that you do.
Of course it's nice to share secrets and I suppose that's why the grand Creator of all such things is the only one who can share in your secret.